Hi all, I just released OASIS 0.4.3. OASIS is a tool to help OCaml developers to integrate configure, build and install systems in their projects. It should help to create standard entry points in the source code build system, allowing external tools to analyse projects easily. Important changes: * Added -remove switch to the setup-clean subcommand designed to remove unaltered generated files completely, rather than simply emptying their OASIS section. * Translate path of ocamlfind on Windows to be bash/win32 friendly. * Description is now parsed in a more structured text (para/verbatim). New features: * stdfiles_markdown (alpha): set default extension of StdFiles (AUTHORS, INSTALL, README) tp be '.md'. Use markdown syntax for standard files. Use comments that hides OASIS section and digest. This feature should help direct publishing on GitHub. * disable_oasis_section (alpha): it allows DisableOASISSection to be specified in the package with a list of expandable filenames given. Any generated file specified in this list doesn't get an OASIS section digest or comment headers and footers and is therefore regenerated each time `oasis setup` is run (and any changes made are lost). This feature is mainly intended for use with StdFiles so that, for example, INSTALL.txt and AUTHORS.txt (which often won't be modified) can have the extra comment lines removed. * compiled_setup_ml (alpha): allow to precompile setup.ml to speedup. Full blog post here: http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/blog/index.php?post/2014/03/25/Release-of-OASIS-0.4.3 Download here: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/frs/?group_id=54&release_id=1041 Cheers Sylvain Le Gall