Hi François,

The Biocaml_intervalTree module is merely a specialization of Set in the standard library. It should be fairly easy to functorize it over a type with a total order relation. I think you might even sed -e 's/int/float/g' the current implementation (with a couple of additional and minor modifications).


2012/2/10 Francois Berenger <berenger@riken.jp>
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: interval trees
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 17:30:21 +0900
From: Francois Berenger
To: batteries-discuss@lists.forge.ocamlcore.org
CC: biocaml@googlegroups.com


I need to use an interval tree.

Biocaml has one, batteries have imap/iset, nice!

However, I have intervals of reals, not integers. :(

I want to build the tree (once), then query it with a real number
(many times) like in: which intervals contain the query real number?

Should I convert my floats to ints (by sorting them then ranking) before
inserting them into some existing interval tree for integers?
I am not so concerned about the pre-processing time.

Should I write from scratch?

Thanks for any suggestion,

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