2012/10/23 Jeremy Yallop <yallop@gmail.com>
On 22 October 2012 23:09, Philippe Veber <philippe.veber@gmail.com> wrote:
> A couple of libraries, like pgocaml for instance, define a functor over a
> (monadic) thread implementation, like in the following:
> module type Thread = sig
>   type 'a t
>   val return : 'a -> 'a t
>   val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
> end
> module F(T : Thread) : sig
>   val v : string -> string T.t
> end
> Is it possible to define F as a function (ie at the value level)?

Yes!  Matías Giovannini has a blog post showing how to do just that:


Thanks a lot Jeremy, this is indeed exactly what I was looking for! I suppose this (clever) representation has a cost at run-time. Maybe it'd be worth to investigate it, as a typical monadic computation will use a lot of bind/return operations. I'll try to have a look at it. Thanks again!