Reported by Gerd:

Le 13 janvier 2012 17:53, Philippe Veber <> a écrit :

Le 13 janvier 2012 17:47, Gerd Stolpmann <> a écrit :

Am Freitag, den 13.01.2012, 17:13 +0100 schrieb Adrien:
> On 13/01/2012, Gerd Stolpmann <> wrote:
> > Am Freitag, den 13.01.2012, 15:17 +0100 schrieb Philippe Veber:
> >> pveber@gesundheit:~/usr/src/ocaml-3.12.1$ pkg-config --libs x11
> >> -lX11
> >
> > Traditionally, X11 came with its own system called imake, which is a
> > preprocessor for makefiles. If there is now pkg-config support, this is
> > very new, or an extension by the distributor.
> I don't know how old this would be but it's upstream at least in libX11-1.4.2.

So far I can trace it the file x11.pc appeared in xorg's version of X.
So quite a time ago. Note that especially commercial OS are behind when
it comes to renewing X11. E.g. I saw complaints that MacOS 10.4 did not
ship it, and it was first available in 10.5 (2007). OpenSolaris fixed it
in 2008. The commercial Solaris probably still misses it.

Anyway, I think we should use pkg-config if available.

Philippe: Did you already file a bug?
Not yet, but I'd be happy to. Do you mean ocaml or godi's bug tracker? I must say I'm not exactly an expert on these issues so I'd understand if you'd rather file the bug yourself, for clarity's sake.




> Regards,
> Adrien Nader

Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt, Germany
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