The Convergenomix project is looking to hire an engineer or post-doc with experience in C++ and OCaml for a 2 year contract at the University of Lyon 1. The proposed work deals with the implementation of computational methods in evolutionary biology, and it involves high performance computing, probabilistic inference and models for genome evolution. Previous experience in computational biology is not required (but would of course be a plus), and while the proposed work mainly involves software development, it is also a great opportunity to learn about biology and evolution.

The successful applicant will work within the ANR Convergenomix project, which groups 4 labs all based in Lyon. Convergenomix aims to study convergent evolution at the genome scale by developing and applying bioinformatic methods in 3 different groups of animals. The laboratories involved in the Convergenomix projects have generous resources for genomic analysis (scientific high-performance computing, data management, training and support). They offer a stimulating environment, with a rich spectrum of research activities in life sciences, statistics and computational biology. The position will be located at the LBBE.

For more information, contact us at or see the project ( and lab ( websites.

Lyon is the second largest French city, is very well connected to other European cities, is famous for its food, and offers a broad range of cultural and recreational activities.

Application packages should include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and the names and email addresses of two referees. Documents should be submitted as a single PDF file to

Bastien Boussau, PhD. LBBE
Philippe Veber, PhD, LBBE