Be Sport is looking for programmers familiar with functional languages, for a development and research work. Send an email to if you want to apply! The company Be Sport is a start-up company with sound funding, with a team of 20 people today. We have a very ambitious development program and we believe in the use of modern technologies coming from research to build strong basis for our apps. We work in close relationship with research laboratories (CNRS, Inria, univ. Paris Diderot …). Our main focus at the moment are languages and typing for Web and mobile apps, recommendation algorithms for social networks, classification algorithms. Our first app is a social network dedicated to sport. Be Sport premises are located in the center of Paris. Work We are looking for developers to take part in the development of some features of our apps. The developers will be integrated in the programming team: participation in the writing of specifications, implementation (client / server), testing … They will initially work on improving existing features, before progressively taking the lead on some components. Skills Good general developers, knowing OCaml or other functional languages (or willing to learn) are welcome. Other skills related to the implementation of a social network are also welcome: machine learning, database, search engines, etc. Candidates must have some expertise on some of the following technologies: - Typed functional languages, especially OCaml (and Ocsigen Js_of_ocaml/Eliom) - MacOS, iOS - Databases - Machine learning - Web programming (CSS, Javascript…) -- [image: BeSport] *Vincent Balat* +33 6 32 01 13 04 215 rue Saint-Denis 75002 Paris -- Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives: Beginner's list: Bug reports: