Hi Alan,

I am glad you have an interest to Syndic. I think it's the best choice to use this library (and I 'm not saying this because I am the initiator :) ).

Indeed, Syndic is the result of work between me and Christophe Troestler. In particular, substantial work has been done to make this project fits on the site of ocaml.org (and there are such a function to convert a RSS content to Atom).

The developement is still active elsewhere. From my point of view it is advisable to continue using Syndic and if you have special requirement, I'd like to implement them to continue the life of this project.


2016-03-03 15:45 GMT+01:00 Amir Chaudhry <amc79@cam.ac.uk>:
Hi Alan,

Syndic is the one used on ocaml.org [1], so I’d suggest starting there.
The other link is a project I was going to start work on before I came across Syndic.

[1] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org

Also, thank you for maintaining Caml Weekly News!
I’ve found it a valuable way of keeping up with what’s happening. :)


> On 3 Mar 2016, at 13:34, Alan Schmitt <alan.schmitt@polytechnique.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> As part of the Caml Weekly News, I have a script that integrates the
> latest posts the http://planet.ocaml.org/. Unfortunately there is now
> way fewer news there than at http://ocaml.org/community/planet/ so I'm
> thinking of switching to that news source. I thus need to convert my
> script from RSS to atom. As ocamlrss does not do atom, I'm looking for
> an atom feed parsing library. I've found Syndic
> (https://github.com/Cumulus/Syndic) and OCaml Atom
> (https://github.com/amirmc/ocamlatom). Are there others that I missed,
> and which one would you recommend?
> Thanks,
> Alan
> --
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> Monthly Athmospheric CO₂ (2016-01, Mauna Loa Obs.): 402.52

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