(alternatively you can use #mod_load too on ml file if you are on trunk)

On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Wojciech Meyer <wojciech.meyer@gmail.com> wrote:

Please check if your interface file was recompiled, and the path to the cmi file is correct.

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Bikal Gurung <bikal.gurung@lemaetech.co.uk> wrote:
Hi All,

I load a module using #load "A.cmo";; in toplevel. I subsequently make change
to A.ml and bytecode compile it. When I load it again using #load "A.cmo" in
ocaml toplevel, I get an "The files _build/A.cmo and _build/A.cmo disagree
over interface A. message. Is there a way of reloading "A.cmo" without
restarting the ocaml toplevel?


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