To look for issues tagged junior_job from , first reset your current Mantis filter ("Reset filter"), then click the "Tags" link in the filter form, that will open an input field where you can write (or select) "junior_job".

The following link also works (built using the "Create Permalink" option to get a URL from a filter):[]=10&resolution_id[]=30&sticky_issues=on&sortby=last_updated&dir=DESC&hide_status_id=-2&tag_string=junior_job

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Kakadu <> wrote:

This search gives me only 3 issues that are not closed.  Am I doing
the search righ?


On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 4:07 PM, John Whitington
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Kakadu wrote:
>> Hey, folks
>> Compiler hacking is fun. Hacking compiler with a feature that can be
>> potentially appreciated is a double fun. But ocamllabs wiki is dead.
>> Do we have a list of crazy ideas for compiler on mantis or somewhere
>> else to work ourselves or give to undergraduates as a pet project?
> The ocamllabs wiki used to have a list of good things for beginners. In that
> vein, there are a few things marked 'junior_job' here:
> (Use 'junior_job' as the search term)
> John
> --
> John Whitington
> Director, Coherent Graphics Ltd

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