I looked into Merlin in the last few days, so here is a bit more information if you, like me, are interested in design information about projects before deciding whether to use (and potentially contribute to) them.

Interface-wise: using Merlin (at least on emacs) feels a lot like ProofGeneral (or CoqIde): there is a "checked zone" from the start of the buffer to the first error, and reliable type information is available in all this checked zone. The interface is rather simple and easy to use.

(If you're considering porting Merlin to another editor: merlin is an OCaml program that inputs and outputs JSON queries, so it seems rather easy to port to any editor having plugin support in any language with JSON support. Given its youth, you should however expect Merlin's protocol to evolve over the next development period, so editor plugin developers would need to follow Merlin's internal changes for now.)

The major difference between Merlin and -annot-based tools such as Ocamlspotter or Typerex2 is that Merlin does the work of parsing OCaml sentences into chunks and sending them incrementally to the type-checker, instead of sending the whole buffer at once and using the output. This means that Merlin is much more robust with respect to files that have errors and cannot be compiled as a whole: you'll get reliable type information from the start of the file upto the first error (and some resilience heuristic to have more after). The OCaml type-checker is in fact able to provide some typing information even for incorrect programs, so -annot-based tools do support some of those features, but in a less reliable and more coarse-grained way.
The design trade-off is that Merlin has to copy/adapt more logic from the compiler: it embeds an OCaml parser derived from the compiler's one (you won't get parsing bugs as with regexpy elisp modes), and currently also copies and slightly modifies the type-checker (I hope this can be changed in the future, possibly by adding some flexibility to the type-checker regarding eg. production of warnings). This means more maintenance work to port Merlin to future OCaml versions. On the other hand, it's probably not reasonable to expect the compiler type-checker to be re-engineered for optimal incrementality support, so having an external implementation of incrementality that piggybacks on the batch typer interface makes sense.

My personal intuition is that Merlin's design is a good long-term choice for an editor service (as opposed to code-analysis services). You want tools such as ocamldoc, dead code analysis, or everything concerned with analysis of an existing correct codebase to be based on -bin-annot and work on the typedtrees directly (without local support for parsing and typing programs). You want tools designed to work on incomplete programs in the process of being created to embed incrementality logic (insofar as it hasn't been pushed into the compiler), understanding partial files and local modifications to cleverly control the parsing&typing process with reactivity in mind. The One True Editor Mode will merge both aspects, working on .cmt of already-compiled dependencies on one side, and partial/incremental information in edition buffers on the other. Merlin can evolve in this way, as its type-directed analyses (those performed in the "checked zone") work directly on the typedtree, so could work with .cmt files.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:10 AM, Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour@lakaban.net> wrote:
We are very pleased to announce the beta release of Merlin. Merlin is a tool
which provides smart completion, among other things, in your favorite editor.
As of today, Vim and Emacs are supported.

See it at work:

Its features include:
- completion of values, constructorsand modules based on local scope
- retrieving type of identifiers and/or expressions under cursor
- integration of findlib to manage buildpath
- highlighting of syntax errors, type errors and warnings inside the editor
- to a certain amount, resilience to syntax and type errors

It works only with Ocaml 4.00.1 (may works with newer versions).

If you happen to have an opam installation with the right version
(opam switch 4.00.1), you can try it right away with:

$ opam remote add kiwi http://kiwi.iuwt.fr/~asmanur/opam/.git <http://kiwi.iuwt.fr/%7Easmanur/opam/.git>
$ opam install merlin

Then to get started and set-up your editor:
- https://github.com/def-lkb/merlin#setting-up-vim
- https://github.com/def-lkb/merlin#emacs-interface

Check it out at: https://github.com/def-lkb/merlin

The current version still needs to be tested under various systems and
configurations, your feedback iswelcome.

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