Well there are more tickets on the bugtracker (and github PRs) than human time to review and make decisions on all of them. I'm very sorry if some contributions are left to bitrot. Anyone can help by reviewing and giving informed opinions on suggestions, and it's most helpful if contributors are ready to ping from time to time to ask for an opinion on their contribution.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 7:19 AM, Gerd Stolpmann <info@gerd-stolpmann.de> wrote:
Am Montag, den 27.06.2016, 11:09 +0200 schrieb Goswin von Brederlow:
> Why should we contribute when contibutions are just left to bitrot?
> Like: http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=4909 which has had a
> patch for 6 1/2 year that's just left rotting.

I guess you hit one of the pain points of the current library design,
namely the various integer types (and the issue of combinatorial
increase of possible variants). In my most recent code (a data science
lib) I solved that radically - no support for 32 bit architectures
anymore. The truth is that with current OCaml you cannot support both 32
bit and 64 bit equally well. Either you get a performance loss from
boxed ints, or you get macros in central places of your code.

Of course, that's no excuse for not responding at all.

Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt, Germany    gerd@gerd-stolpmann.de
My OCaml site:          http://www.camlcity.org
Contact details:        http://www.camlcity.org/contact.html
Company homepage:       http://www.gerd-stolpmann.de