Note that string_of_format is still available to safely convert a format into a string.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Nick Lucaroni <> wrote:
I forgot we had been using some magic to convert strings. that's the price we pay.


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:50 PM, Nick Lucaroni <> wrote:
Are the formatting issues resolved in the 4.02.0+turnk switch in OPAM (that's, dev0-2014-08-29)? I'm getting segmentation faults from fprintf in my application even in that branch (see below). I'll work to pin it down as it very well could be a miss-formatted string on my part, but obviously we shouldn't seg-fault. let me know if I should hold off.


Time: 48706621 - pc: 98976 - module CamlinternalFormat
1375 fun k o acc fmt -> <|b|>match fmt with

On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 12:08 PM, <> wrote:
Damien Doligez <> writes:

> Dear OCaml users,
> The rather large amount of changes in the newly released 4.02
> inevitably caused some issues in the very first minor release. We
> shall have a 4.02.1 bugfix release coming soon, hopefully in early
> October.
> Among the few issues that have now been fixed, there are a few
> regressions in the new, type-safe format implementation
> (Printf/Scanf/Format) -- for advanced formatting features.
> There was also a regression in the *compilation time* of the
> distributed OCaml compiler, which is sensibly slower than 4.01 on
> multi-module programs. This is already fixed in the development
> version of the compiler and will be part of the bugfix release.

Compilation of [1] skyrocketed (at least here on rather oldish PPC
machine), hopfully things would be a bit better in 4.02.1.

> Any additional testing to find and report other regressions is more
> than welcome. If you have not yet tested your programs with 4.02, now
> is the time to give it a try!
> -- Damien


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