I'm personally not enthusiastic about real-time synchronous messaging (for the already mentioned reason that it does not produced structured, reusable content), and I think it would be nice to gather the opinion of the people that populate the IRC channel today.
(Plus gitter.im is a proprietary, for-profit platform, meh.)

Yotam, would you be willing to go on IRC and have a chat about a gitter.im room with the chan, to see what they think?

It would also be nice to have a gitter/IRC bridge (I hear that this exists). Who would be volunteering to take care of the gitter stuff and make sure that the bridge works properly?

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 10:29 AM, Jesse Haber-Kucharsky <jesse@haberkucharsky.com> wrote:
I think a Gitter room could be a great experiment, especially since OCaml is hosted on GitHub.

I have seen the Gitter rooms for projects in the Scala ecosystem like Shapeless and Cats become vibrant and helpful spaces, and chat rooms have fewer psychological barriers to entry than mailing lists.

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Yotam Barnoy <yotambarnoy@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 10:03 AM, Gabriel Scherer
<gabriel.scherer@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://vector.im/beta/#/room/#freenode_#ocaml:matrix.org

How about we try to open a gitter room for ocaml/ocaml, and see how it
does? My hunch is that it'll do a lot better than IRC for many
reasons, but I could be wrong.

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