It is well known that there are unresolved issues with native compilation of mlpacks.

Consider an mlpack that successfully byte code compiles:

path/to/depOne.mlpack consisting of:


Where depOne/ contains
    let foo = "hi"
Where depOne/ contains
    let foo =

While this byte code compiles without issue, modules inside of mlpacks will not be *native* compiled with their respective -for-pack X. To correct this, it has been suggested that a _tags file be created with the following:

<path/to/depOne/**/*.cmx>: for-pack(DepOne)

With this, both native and byte compilation succeed for the previous example.
However, *because* B references A, then if B is located in another directory within the depOne root, native compilation will once again fail, even though byte compilation succeeds - even with all of the special hacks that have been suggested (_tags etc).

For example: 
Consider if path/to/depOne.mlpack consisted of the following items, pointing to the new respective locations of A, B where B still refers to A as it did before.


In this case, native compilation fails, and byte compilation succeeds.

The errors that I see are:

File "path/to/depOne.cmx", line 1:
Error: Files path/to/depOne/deeperDir/b.cmx
       and path/to/depOne/a.cmx
       make inconsistent assumptions over implementation A
Command exited with code 1.

Can anyone suggest a fix for this?

Thank you,