I believe there is an issue with record fields and functors.
It appears that while types are correctly exported from functors, the corresponding record field scopes are not. Here is an example.

   module type HasType = sig
      type t

    module EchoModule (Input:HasType): (HasType with type t = Input.t) = (struct
      type t = Input.t

    module ClonedModuleWithRecordType = EchoModule (struct
      type t = {innerRecordField: int}

    (* This doesn't type check, but I can't see why it shouldn't. Record fields'
       scopes should be reexported just like the types themselves.

      let myRecord: ClonedModuleWithRecordType.t = {
      In this case, the original "scope" of the record fields is "lost"
      because the record type was declared in an anonymous module expression.  I
      believe that it *should* be "lost" as it is, but then reexported as an
      identical type in the module returned from the functor (identically because
      of the "with constraint").

    module ClonedModuleWithNonRecordType = EchoModule (struct
      type t = string list

    (* This typechecks perfectly fine! Evidence that types are reexported, but not
       the "scope" of record labels *)
    let myRecord: ClonedModuleWithNonRecordType.t = ["asdf"; "fff"]

Is anyone aware of whether or not this issue is already being tracked?