Dear all, this is an announcement for "OCAPIC", a project which brings OCaml to programming PIC micro-controllers. Some PIC18 series characteristics: - 8 bit architecture - low cost (a few US dollars), fairly spread in electronics world - very low volatile memory (a few bytes only, up to ~5000 bytes, depending on the model) - very low non-volatile memory (less than a KB up to 128 KB) - EEPROM : 0 to 1024 bytes How to program those little chips with OCaml: - write an OCaml program, compile it, transfer it to the PIC. Well, actually it demands a little more than just that: - write an OCaml program, like usually, while keeping in mind that the stack is more limited than usual, same for the heap - compile it (with ocamlc) - reduce the binary (with ocamlclean : a bytecode reducer which removes dead-code) - transform the (reduced or not) binary (with bc2asm : take back not useful zeros, thence reducing the binary size) - transfer it to the PIC along with its OCaml VM. Indeed, an OCaml VM has been implemented in PIC18 ASM in order to run OCaml programs on a PIC ! :-) An example of real program is in the distribution (open source, downloadable from the website): ocapic-1.3/src/tests/goblet/ (722 lines of ML code). We also provide a simulator in order to run on a PC (needs X11 (Linux/MacOSX) and GCC) your programs written for PIC18. The whole implementation has been fairly well tested, however the documentation is still quite young. Here is the website : Cheers. Benoît Vaugon (developer and initiator of OCAPIC project) Philippe Wang (supervisor) Emmanuel Chailloux (supervisor) P.S. si vous êtes francophone et nous contactez directement, merci de le faire en français