Hello everyone, some days ago, a message on the caml-list was sent regarding that ocamlopt complains that cmxa are not compilation units. After having responded off the list to the person, it seems that he is facing the following situtation: He is in the present of external cmxa libraries, let's say lib1.cmxa and lib2.cmxa. The goal is to create a library lib.cmxa containing the code of lib1.cmxa lib2.cmxa and some personal file.cmx. A solution could be to compile the personal files into one library lib_.cmxa , and use the three libraries in conjunction. My question is the following : Is the process of creating cma from cmos and cmas as well as cmxa from cmxs too complicated. Compared to the ar equivalent with .obj, is there any additional sugar, except options passed through -cclib -dllib ?? If it's not the case, isn't there a simple way to reverse engineer the library creation process ?? It can be of some interest to be able to scatter lib1.cmxa into the corresponding cmx's used during the creation. I've looked a little bit throught the ocaml manual, and didn't find anything explaining this phase and the feasability of reverting it. Thanks in advance for your replies. Rabih Chaar ************************************************************************* Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message") sont confidentiels et etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Toute utilisation ou diffusion non autorisee est interdite. Tout message electronique est susceptible d'alteration. SG Asset Management et ses filiales declinent toute responsabilite au titre de ce message s'il a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Decouvrez l'offre et les services de SG Asset Management sur le site www.sgam.fr ******** This message and any attachments (the "message") are confidential and intended solely for the addressees. Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited. E-mails are susceptible to alteration. Neither SG Asset Management nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall be liable for the message if altered, changed or falsified. *************************************************************************