It is my pleasure to announce the new release for FoCaLiZe (the 0.9.1 version). A certain number of bugs found in the focalizec compiler have been fixed. The generated code is slightly lighter. Termination proofs for recursive functions, in addition to the previously available structural way, can be now written using a measure or a well-founded relation. A complete description of changes / new features can in found in the CHANGES file of the distribution. The 0.9.1 release is available from at Uncompress, extract, then read the INSTALL file in the newly created directory focalize.0.9.1 and follow the simple instructions written there. A public GIT repository is also available, allowing to fetch the latest development state of FoCaLiZe. However, its content is not bullet-proof and may be unstable at some times. It reflects the real-time state of FoCaLiZe and may bring fixes and features not available in previous releases and that will be part of the next release. To clone the current FoCaLiZe GIT repository, invoke: git clone This will create a focalize repository in your current directory. Once cloned, it is possible to fetch updates with the usual GIT commands (essentially git pull origin master). Note that this access being public, it doesn't allow pushing (i.e. submitting) modifications done in the sources tree. To join people and discussions write to Implementors also listen to suggestions (and compliments if some ^_^) at the mail address: Enjoy. For the entire FoCaLiZe implementation group, François Pessaux. May 2016 What is it FoCaLiZe ? --------------------- FoCaLiZe is an integrated development environment to write high integrity programs and systems. It provides a purely functional language to formally express specifications, describe the design and code the algorithms. Within the functional language, FoCaLiZe provides a logical framework to express the properties of the code. A simple declarative language provides the natural expression of proofs of properties them from within the program source code. The FoCaLiZe compiler extracts statements and proof scripts from the source file, to pass them to the Zenon proof generator to produce Coq proof terms that are then formally verified. The FoCaLiZe compiler also generates the code corresponding to the program as an Objective Caml source file. This way, programs developed in FoCaLiZe can be efficiently compiled to native code on a large variety of architectures. Last but not least, FoCaLiZe automatically generates the documentation corresponding to the development, a requirement for high evaluation assurance. The FoCaLiZe system provides means for the developers to formally express their specifications and to go step by step (in an incremental approach) to design and implementation, while proving that their implementation meets its specification or design requirements. The FoCaLiZe language offers high level mechanisms such as inheritance, late binding, redefinition, parametrization, etc. Confidence in proofs submitted by developers or automatically generated ultimately relies on Coq formal proof verification. FoCaLiZe is a son of the previous Focal system. However, it is a completely new implementation with vastly revised syntax and semantics, featuring a rock-solid infrastructure and greatly improved capabilities.