Resending due to no answer. - Jakob From: Jakob Lichtenberg Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 1:11 PM To: '' Subject: CamlIDL: Returning a whole array of cows 1. Summary: Stub code generated by Camlidl seems to call camlidl_malloc with an uninitialized size. 2. Details: I am declaring a function 'void get_cows([out] int* len, [length_is(*len), size_is(*len), out] cow** cows);' that creates and returns an array of cows. (Each cow is just a pointer to a structure.) The generated stub code seems incorrect: cow_stubs.c: value camlidl_cow_get_cows(value _unit) { int *len; /*out*/ cow **cows; /*out*/ int _c1; mlsize_t _c2; value _v3; value _vres; struct camlidl_ctx_struct _ctxs = { CAMLIDL_TRANSIENT, NULL }; camlidl_ctx _ctx = &_ctxs; len = &_c1; cows = camlidl_malloc(*len * sizeof(cow *), _ctx); get_cows(len, cows); _vres = camlidl_alloc(*len, 0); Begin_root(_vres) for (_c2 = 0; _c2 < *len; _c2++) { _v3 = camlidl_c2ml_cow_cow(&*cows[_c2], _ctx); modify(&Field(_vres, _c2), _v3); } End_roots() camlidl_free(_ctx); return _vres; } As you can see camlidl_malloc is called with an uninitialized value. Is this a bug in camlidl, or am I writing my IDL file incorrectly. Another way to ask: How do I declared that a function reserves an array 3. Implementation details: This is my C api I'd like to access from ocaml: cow.h: typedef struct _cow { char* name; int age; } *cow; cow get_dummy_cow(); void get_cows_inout(int inputlen, int *outputlen, cow ca[]); // Write cows to 'ca', however not more than 'inputlen' elements. Write number of cows written to '*outputlen'. void get_cows(int* len, cow **ca); // Malloc array for cows. Save number of elements to *len, save address for array in '*ca'. void print_cow(cow o); I'd like to access this API from OCaml using CamlIDL. I use the following idl file: cow.idl: typedef [abstract] void* cow; [pointer_default(ref)] interface Cow { cow get_dummy_cow(void); void get_cows_inout([in] int inputlen, [out] int * outputlen, [in,out,size_is(inputlen),length_is(*outputlen)] cow d[]); void get_cows([out] int* len, [length_is(*len), size_is(*len), out] cow** cows); void print_cow(cow o); } I compile this using: camlidl cow.idl And use it from the following ML program: let main use_inout = let cows = if use_inout then Cow.get_cows_inout(Array.create 3 (Cow.get_dummy_cow())) else Cow.get_cows() in Array.iter Cow.print_cow cows let _ = main true; This works fine. However, if I change the call to main to 'main false' I get a crash. Thanks, - Jakob PS. I know that I am leaking memory - that I can fix with a simple quote(dealloc, "free(*cows);");