****************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS 6th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2009) http://www.di.uminho.pt/mompes within the ICSE 2009 (31st International Conference on Software Engineering) Vancouver - Canada May 16, 2009 ****************************************************************** SCOPE Model Based Development (MBD) comprises approaches to software development, which rely on modelling and the systematic transition from models to executable code. This workshop focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects related with the adoption of MBD methodologies (notation, process, methods, and tools) for supporting the construction of software for pervasive and embedded systems. Suggested areas of interest in the workshop include, but are not restricted to: - Meta-modelling and Tools - Feature Modelling - Modelling of Non-Functional Requirements - Model-based Architectures - Model Transformation and Code Generation - Software Process, Product Lines and Frameworks - Model-based Analysis, Testing and Verification - Model-Based Optimization, Design Spaces and Design Rules - Models for Adaptable and Predictable System Quality - Models for Adaptive System Infrastructure - Models for Ultra-Large Scale Systems - Issues In Socio-Technical Ecosystems - Case Studies and Demonstration Cases ****************************************************************** PAPER SUBMISSION The official language is English. Authors are requested to submit a PDF version of their papers in the official ICSE 09 format. Papers should not exceed 11 pages, including figures, references, and appendices. Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 3 PC members. Submission instructions will be included in the website. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries under MOMPES 2009 Workshop Proceedings as part of the ICSE 2009 Workshop publications. ICSE will make the formal proceedings available on an ICSE memory stick. ****************************************************************** IMPORTANT DATES - Submission of full papers: 15.Jan.2009 - Notification of acceptance: 09.Feb.2009 - Camera-ready paper version: 19.Jan.2009 - Workshop at ICSE 2009: 16.May.2009 ****************************************************************** ORGANIZING COMMITTEE - Joao M. Fernandes, U Minho (PT) - Luís Lamb, UFRGS (BR) - Ricardo J. Machado, U Minho (PT) - Flavio R. Wagner, UFRGS (BR) PROGRAM COMMITTEE (under construction) - Jean Bézivin, INRIA & U Nantes (FR) - Dov Dori, Technion (IL) - João M. Fernandes, U Minho (PT) - Artur d'Avila Garcez, City University of London (UK) - Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University (CA) - Susanne Graf, VERIMAG (FR) - Luís Gomes, UN Lisboa (PT) - Nick Graham, Queenís U (CA) - Chris Hankin, Imperial College (UK) - Mike Hinchey, LERO (IE) - Luís Lamb, UFRGS (BR) - Ricardo J. Machado, U Minho (PT) - Stephen J. Mellor, Mentor Graphics (US) - João P. Sousa, George Mason U (US) - Flávio R. Wagner, UFRGS (BR) ****************************************************************** -- Joao M. Fernandes, Ph.D. Dept. Informatics Universidade do Minho 4710-057 Braga, PORTUGAL Phone: +351-253604454 Fax: +351-253604471 Email: jmf(AT)di(DOT)uminho(DOT)pt Web: www.di.uminho.pt/~jmf