graphics.cma is provided in the ocaml-runtime package - I'm not sure if you can install the main ocaml package without it pulling in the ocaml-runtime package, but is ocaml-runtime included in the output of: sudo yum list "ocaml*" under Installed packages? Note that in order to use graphics.cma in the toploop, you'll also need ocaml-x11 which provides HTH, David From: [] On Behalf Of Secret Sent: 26 August 2013 06:07 To: Subject: [Caml-list] Cannot find graphics.cma Whenever I try to run #load graphics.cma I receive a "Cannot find file graphics.cma" message. I'm on Fedora Linux. I went to usr/lib/ocaml and graphics.cma was NOT there. Not sure if it's related.