ocamlopt-compiled native executables do not require Cygwin DLLs on Windows, unless you accidentally built the Cygwin port (by running configure) rather than the MinGW port (by following the instruction to edit config/ files in README.win32). It is normal that ocamlc-compiled executables require ocamlrun (they do on *nix as well) unless you compile with -custom (which embeds the runtime system in the executable). David From: caml-list-request@inria.fr [mailto:caml-list-request@inria.fr] On Behalf Of Andre Tampubolon Sent: 19 May 2014 08:43 To: caml-list@yquem.inria.fr Subject: [Caml-list] Self contained Windows executable? Hello folks, I just built ocaml on Windows 7 (mingw). I notice that executables compiled with ocamlc (e.g ocamlc hello.ml -o hello.exe) won't run on another machine. It says "Cannot exec ocamlrun". It seems that executables created with ocaml are not "native" executables, because ocamlrun is still needed. On the other hand, executables compiled with ocamlopt require Cygwin DLLs. Is there any workaround? -- Andre Tampubolon GPG public key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC6492E7D01AA96CF