Hello, I've stumbled upon a small bug, and I wonder if it's a OS X bug (I'm using X.4.2), or a caml bug. The problem is the following: I create a named pipe, then I open it. The open system call seems to block until there is data in the pipe. Here is a small program illustrating this: let _ = Unix.mkfifo "pipe_test" 0o640; print_endline "pipe created"; flush stdout; let chin = open_in "pipe_test" in print_endline "pipe opened"; flush stdout Compile it using "ocamlc unix.cma bug.ml" (the bug occurs both in bytecode and native code). When a.out is run, one sees: pipe created and the program keeps running. If one then does a echo foo >> pipe_test then the "pipe opened" line is shown, and the program terminates. Is this behaviour normal? Thanks, Alan Schmitt -- The hacker: someone who figured this out and made something cool happen. .O. ..O OOO