On 19 mai 08, at 15:07, Alan Schmitt wrote:


Is this (http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/2007.09.18.html#1) the recommended way to build a universal binary on OS X? (To summarize: use a PPC version of ocamlopt and use lipo to glue the binaries together.)

I've realized I may not have given enough details as to what I want to do here, so here they are.

My goal is to be able to compile the OS GUI version of Unison on a single machine. Right now, using my intel-based notebook, I'm able to compile a version that runs both on 10.4 and 10.5, but only on intel.

(By the way, compiling ocaml to manage this was not obvious. Here is how to do it using godi, thanks to Gerd Stolpmann:
- net the following in godi.conf
OCAML_CONF_ARGS=-cc "gcc -mmacosx-version-min=10.4"
- rebuild godi-ocaml-src and godi-ocaml
Then I can specify in Xcode that I'm targetting 10.4 as my minimum version, and I don't get any error when linking against the ocaml libraries.)

The next step is to be able to build Universal Binaries versions of the ocaml libraries, so that I can tell Xcode to target both architectures. This implies that ocaml should be able to cross-compile to PPC, which I don't know if it can do.

I think I remember an old message addressing this, but I have not been able to find it.

If anyone could point me to the right direction, it would be very helpful.

