Hello, I am having difficulty in building omake using sources found in ocaml.org. Can you provide me the installer(omake- or the latest), so that I can easily install it on my system. Actually, here I got struct while building omake on my Cygwin setup: $ Ocaml build.ml ocamlc -thread -w +a-4-32-30-42-40-41-48-50-52-60 -g -custom -o omake.byte.exe -cclib clib.a unix.cma threads.cma lm.cma frt.cma magic.cma ast.cma ir.cma env.c ma exec.cma eval.cma shell.cma build.cma builtin.cma omake_main_util.cmo omake_s hell.cmo omake_main.cmo cp omake.byte.exe omake.exe ECHO is on. boot/omake "--dotomake" ".omake" "--force-dotomake" "main" *** omake: reading OMakefiles --- Checking for ocamlfind... (FAILED - no ocamlfind found) --- Checking for ocamlc.opt... (found c:\OCaml\bin\ocamlc.opt.exe) --- Checking for ocamlopt.opt... (found c:\OCaml\bin\ocamlopt.opt.exe) --- Checking for ocamldep.opt... (found c:\OCaml\bin\ocamldep.opt.exe) --- Checking for ocamllex.opt... (found c:\OCaml\bin\ocamllex.opt.exe) --- Checking whether ocamlc understands the "z" warnings... (yes) --- Checking whether ocamlopt can create cmxs plugins... (yes) Command exited with error: boot/omake "--dotomake" ".omake" "--force-dotomake" "main" Please guide me where I've gone wrong and what should be done for compilation go through. Regards Sujan