On the subject of C++, the archive is daunting and not terribly informative. If this has been asked before and good answers have been given, I'm happy for pointers. Otherwise, I figure it doesn't hurt to ask the same questions at some repeating time interval. If one wants to interface native OCaml code to native C++ code for performance reasons, what is a good way to go about it? Are there any automated binders for this native-native linkage? I've been looking at SWIG but am unsure if it's native-native. The OCaml SWIG author suggested that the performance is more on par with calling a scripting language, but maybe I misunderstood. I'd be interested in optimizing that, but only if it's a reasonable architectural approach. I really don't have a handle on what C++ <--> OCaml efforts are out there. Anything other than SWIG? My challenge problem is providing OCaml bindings for The Nebula Device 2. http://nebuladevice.cubik.org. I do not wish to use their script server interface. It looks like a relatively low performance binding - adequate for scripts that aren't supposed to be fast, but really not intended for native-native communication. Also, script servers can only interface nRoot objects, leaving a whole class of nNode objects that must be accessed from C++. Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA "The pioneer is the one with the arrows in his back." - anonymous entrepreneur --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.691 / Virus Database: 452 - Release Date: 5/26/2004