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mention changes the way you monitor the web: create alerts for your name, your brand, your competitors and be informed in real-time about any mentions on the web and social web.


mention is your media monitoring application that allows you to track in real-time any mention of a keyword from hundreds of sources around the web: social networks, news sites, blogs, photos and videos sites, forums and any web pages.

For people who care about what's being said about them, for businesses that care about their online visibility on the web and social web, mention is a very simple and easy-to-use application built for everyday use, on any device to monitor what is being said about you online.

mention can tell the difference between “Paris” and “Paris Hilton”, and we have developed an anti-noise technology that makes it easy to filter false positives. Don’t be afraid of what competitors or others are saying about your brand, take mention with you and react quickly with smart actions and share with your team or the web.

The first media monitoring application for you and me, we offer everyone 1,000 free mentions per month. Our free plan will never disappear and we currently support: Web (native and Chrome App), iPad, Mac, PC, and Linux (soon on mobile).

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