From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: (from majordomo@localhost) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) id UAA01133; Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:37:04 +0100 (MET) X-Authentication-Warning: majordomo set sender to using -f Received: from ( []) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) with ESMTP id UAA01100 for ; Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:37:03 +0100 (MET) Received: from ([]) by (8.11.1/8.11.1) with ESMTP id h0UJb2v28333 for ; Thu, 30 Jan 2003 20:37:02 +0100 (MET) Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5329); Thu, 30 Jan 2003 13:36:41 -0600 Received: from [] ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4905); Thu, 30 Jan 2003 13:36:40 -0600 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 13:46:14 -0600 (CST) From: Brian Hurt X-X-Sender: Reply-To: Brian Hurt To: Olivier Andrieu cc: Ocaml Mailing List Subject: Re: [Caml-list] @, List.append, and tail recursion In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="336237089-1379523458-1043955974=:3577" X-OriginalArrivalTime: 30 Jan 2003 19:36:40.0812 (UTC) FILETIME=[E982FAC0:01C2C896] Sender: Precedence: bulk This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --336237089-1379523458-1043955974=:3577 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII For short lists, this is the worst performer overall. I whipped up a quick microbenchmark to compare the various implementations- the three implementations are included in this email. The three programs are: lappend uses the @ operator to append the list uses local rev_append and rev functions (similiar to those in List) to append the list uses Olivier's set_cdr function. The results I saw (compiling with ocamlopt -o list on a 1.4GHz P4 running Linux and ocaml 3.06) are: list1: 1.462s list2: 1.757s list3: 1.824s List2 is about 17% slower than list1, while list3 is almost 20% slower than list1, and 4% slower than list2. Brian On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Olivier Andrieu wrote: > Brian Hurt [Thursday 23 January 2003] : > > I hit a bug recently wiith @ and List.append. Since they're recursive, > > not tail-recursive, on long enough lists Ocaml thinks you've gone > > infinitely recursive and aborts. > > > List.append x [] ;; > > Exits with: > > Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?). > > > > So does: > > x @ [] ;; > (not surprising, List.append 's definition is (@)) > > > And it has occured to me that all of these forms *should* be > > optimizable into loops. The general case would work something like > > this in C: > > > > struct list_t { > > void * datum; > > struct list_t * next_p; > > } > > > > struct list_t * foo (struct list_t * x) { > > struct list_t * retval = NULL; > > struct list_t ** ptr_pp = &retval; > > > > while (x != NULL) { > > struct list_t * temp = alloc(sizeof(struct list_t)); > > *ptr_pp = temp; > > temp->datum = expr(x->datum); > > temp->next_p = NULL; /* be nice to the GC */ > > ptr_pp = &(temp->next_p); > > x = x->next_p; > > } > > return retval; > > } > > Well, all of this can be translated directly to caml, using the famous > Obj module. All you need is a lispish setcdr function : > > ,---- > | let setcdr : 'a list -> 'a list -> unit = fun c v -> > | let c = Obj.repr c in > | assert(Obj.is_block c) ; > | Obj.set_field c 1 (Obj.repr v) > `---- > > Then one can write a tail-recursive append or a tail-recursive map : > ,---- > | let tr_append l1 l2 = > | let rec proc cell = function > | | [] -> > | setcdr cell l2 > | | x :: l -> > | let nxt = [ x ] in > | setcdr cell nxt ; > | proc nxt l > | in > | match l1 with > | | [] -> l2 > | | x :: l -> > | let head = [ x ] in > | proc head l ; > | head > | > | let tr_map f l = > | let rec proc cell = function > | | [] -> () > | | x :: l -> > | let nxt = [ f x ] in > | setcdr cell nxt ; > | proc nxt l > | in > | match l with > | | [] -> [] > | | x :: l -> > | let head = [ f x ] in > | proc head l ; > | head > `---- > This seems safe to me, as setcdr is only called on new cons cells, so > it shouldn't mess up the arguments. > > Anyway, the hole abstraction thing is cleaner but needs compiler > support. > > --336237089-1379523458-1043955974=:3577 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: uses @ operator Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" DQpsZXQgbGFwcGVuZCB4IHkgPSB4IEAgWyB5IF0gOzsNCg0KbGV0IG1ha2Vs aXN0IGMgPQ0KICAgIGxldCByZWMgbWFrZWxpc3RfaW50IGMgYWNjdW0gPQ0K ICAgICAgICBpZiAoYyA+IDApIHRoZW4NCiAgICAgICAgICAgIG1ha2VsaXN0 X2ludCAoYyAtIDEpIChsYXBwZW5kIGFjY3VtIGMpDQogICAgICAgIGVsc2Ug DQogICAgICAgICAgICAobGFwcGVuZCBhY2N1bSBjKQ0KaW4NCiAgICBtYWtl bGlzdF9pbnQgYyBbXQ0KOzsNCg0KbGV0IF8gPSBtYWtlbGlzdCA1MDAwOzsN Cg== --336237089-1379523458-1043955974=:3577 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: uses List.rev Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" DQpsZXQgcmVjIHJldl9hcHBlbmQgeCB5ID0NCiAgICBtYXRjaCB4IHdpdGgN CiAgICAgICAgW10gLT4geQ0KICAgICAgICB8IGggOjogdCAtPiByZXZfYXBw ZW5kIHQgKGggOjogeSkNCjs7DQoNCmxldCByZXYgeCA9DQogICAgbGV0IHJl YyByZXZfaW50IHggYWNjdW0gPQ0KICAgICAgICBtYXRjaCB4IHdpdGgNCiAg ICAgICAgICAgIFtdIC0+IGFjY3VtDQogICAgICAgICAgICB8IGggOjogdCAt PiByZXZfaW50IHQgKGggOjogYWNjdW0pDQogICAgaW4NCiAgICAgICAgcmV2 X2ludCB4IFtdDQo7Ow0KDQpsZXQgbGFwcGVuZCB4IHkgPSANCiAgICByZXZf YXBwZW5kIChyZXYgeCkgKCBbIHkgXSApIDs7DQoNCmxldCBtYWtlbGlzdCBj ID0NCiAgICBsZXQgcmVjIG1ha2VsaXN0X2ludCBjIGFjY3VtID0NCiAgICAg ICAgaWYgKGMgPiAwKSB0aGVuDQogICAgICAgICAgICBtYWtlbGlzdF9pbnQg KGMgLSAxKSAobGFwcGVuZCBhY2N1bSBjKQ0KICAgICAgICBlbHNlIA0KICAg ICAgICAgICAgKGxhcHBlbmQgYWNjdW0gYykNCmluDQogICAgbWFrZWxpc3Rf aW50IGMgW10NCjs7DQoNCmxldCBfID0gbWFrZWxpc3QgNTAwMDs7DQo= --336237089-1379523458-1043955974=:3577 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: uses Olivier's set_cdr Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" DQoNCmxldCBzZXRjZHIgOiAnYSBsaXN0IC0+ICdhIGxpc3QgLT4gdW5pdCA9 IGZ1biBjIHYgLT4gDQogICAgbGV0IGMgPSBPYmoucmVwciBjIGluDQogICAg YXNzZXJ0KE9iai5pc19ibG9jayBjKSA7DQogICAgT2JqLnNldF9maWVsZCBj IDEgKE9iai5yZXByIHYpDQo7Ow0KDQpsZXQgbGFwcGVuZCBsMSBsMiA9DQog ICAgbGV0IHJlYyBwcm9jIGNlbGwgPSBmdW5jdGlvbg0KICAgICAgICB8IFtd IC0+DQogICAgICAgICAgICBzZXRjZHIgY2VsbCBsMg0KICAgICAgICB8IHgg OjogbCAtPiANCiAgICAgICAgICAgIGxldCBueHQgPSBbIHggXSBpbg0KICAg ICAgICAgICAgICAgIHNldGNkciBjZWxsIG54dCA7DQogICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgcHJvYyBueHQgbA0KICAgIGluDQogICAgbWF0Y2ggbDEgd2l0aA0KICAg ICAgICB8IFtdIC0+IGwyDQogICAgICAgIHwgeCA6OiBsIC0+DQogICAgICAg ICAgICBsZXQgaGVhZCA9IFsgeCBdIGluDQogICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgcHJv YyBoZWFkIGwgOw0KICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIGhlYWQNCjs7DQoNCmxldCBt YWtlbGlzdCBjID0NCiAgICBsZXQgcmVjIG1ha2VsaXN0X2ludCBjIGFjY3Vt ID0NCiAgICAgICAgaWYgKGMgPiAwKSB0aGVuDQogICAgICAgICAgICBtYWtl bGlzdF9pbnQgKGMgLSAxKSAobGFwcGVuZCBhY2N1bSBbIGMgXSkNCiAgICAg ICAgZWxzZSANCiAgICAgICAgICAgIChsYXBwZW5kIGFjY3VtIFsgYyBdKQ0K aW4NCiAgICBtYWtlbGlzdF9pbnQgYyBbXQ0KOzsNCg0KbGV0IF8gPSBtYWtl bGlzdCA1MDAwOzsNCg== --336237089-1379523458-1043955974=:3577-- ------------------- To unsubscribe, mail Archives: Bug reports: FAQ: Beginner's list: