On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Jocelyn Sérot wrote: > Le vendredi, 24 jan 2003, à 16:55 Europe/Paris, Mattias Waldau a écrit : > > Cousineau and Mauny's "The Functional Approach to Programming" is okay, > > especially if want to program ocaml (even it has this stupid approach > > to > > have a slightly different syntax in the book, which is so common for > > books written by academics :-) The book was written a while ago, and translated, so there's no point in getting snooty about the use of Caml Light instead of OCaml, which, I agree, is unfortunate. > > I am still looking for a bug like "Advanced tricks for the > > ML-programmer", something like "Advanced C++ Programming Styles and > > Idioms" > > by James O. Coplien. > > So the Oreilly book may be a good choice .. I don't think that the O'Reilly book is such a book, though it's a great book for the working OCaml programmer. What he's looking for would be more like a collection of Functional Pearls from the Journal of Functional Programming, with a focus on Caml (or at least non-Haskell :-) acrobatics. You know, things like Danvy's functional unparsing paper... -- Brian ------------------- To unsubscribe, mail caml-list-request@inria.fr Archives: http://caml.inria.fr Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs FAQ: http://caml.inria.fr/FAQ/ Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners