(Apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message) --------------------------------------------------------------------------    Call for Posters, Demos and Fast Abstracts ========================================================================== 4th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS) ==========================================================================    sponsored by ACM SIGSOFT and SIGMOD and in cooperation with EPTS       July 12-15, 2010, King's College, Cambridge, United Kingdom http://debs10.doc.ic.ac.uk Poster/demo/fast abstract submission: May 1, 2010 Author notification: May 15, 2010 Conference: July 12-15, 2010 POSTER PAPERS provide an excellent forum for authors to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. Posters are ideal to showcase speculative, late-breaking results or to introduce interesting, innovative work. Posters sessions are highly interactive. They allow authors and interested participants to connect to each other and to engage in discussions about the work presented. Posters provide authors with a unique opportunity to draw attention to their work during the conference. Accepted contributions will be published in electronic form and are limited to 2 pages. DEMO PAPERS report on an existing research prototype by clearly identifying the original contributions and ideas demonstrated. The authors are expected to prepare a poster and perform a live software demonstration on their own laptop during an exhibit-style conference reception. Any special requirements should be identified in the appendix of the paper. Accepted contributions will be published in electronic form and are limited to 2 pages. FAST ABSTRACTS at DEBS are short presentations (5 minutes), either on new ideas or work in progress, or opinion pieces that can address any issue relevant to distributed events. Because they are brief and have a later deadline, Fast Abstracts enable their authors to summarise work that is not yet complete, put forward novel or challenging ideas, state positions on controversial issues, suggest new approaches to the solution of open problems without having fully verified it. Fast Abstracts are aimed at academics and practitioners, junior and senior researchers, promoting a rich exchange of experiences. Thus, they provide an excellent opportunity to introduce new work, or present radical opinions, and receive early feedback from the community. Please note however that fast abstracts will NOT be included in the proceedings. Contributions are particularly solicited from industrial practitioners and academics that may not have been able to prepare full papers due to time and work pressure, but nevertheless seek an opportunity to engage with the DEBS community. The topics addressed by the conference include (but are not limited to): Models, Architectures and Paradigms - Event-driven architectures - Basic interaction models - Event algebras, event schemas and type systems - Languages for event correlation and patterns, streaming and continuous   queries, data fusion - Models for static and dynamic environments - Complex event processing - Design and programming methodologies - Event-based business process management and modeling - Experimental methodologies - Performance modeling and prediction based on analytic approaches Middleware Infrastructures for Event-Based Computing - Federated event-based systems - Middleware for actuator and sensor networks - Algorithms and protocols - Event dissemination based on p2p systems - Context and location awareness - Fault-tolerance, reliability, availability, and recovery - Security issues - (Self-)Management - Mobility and resource constrained device support - Streaming queries, transformations, or correlation engines Applications, Experiences, and Requirements - Use cases and applications of event-based systems - Real-world application deployments using event-based middleware - Domain-specific deployments of event-based systems - Real-world data characterising event-based applications - Benchmarks, performance evaluations, and testbeds - Application requirements for next-generation event-based solutions - Relation to other architectures - Enterprise application integration - Event-driven business process management - Information logistics - Seamless integration of event-based mechanisms into middleware   platforms SUBMISSION CONTENT. Submissions will be evaluated both on their contributions and on how effectively they communicate those contributions. All *posters* should include the following information: - The purpose and goals of the work. - Any background and motivation information needed to understand the work as well as any critical hypotheses and assumptions that underlie the work, if appropriate. - A summary of the contribution and/or results, in sufficient detail for a viewer to understand the work and/or results; especially key details, results and contributions, or the anticipated contributions if the work is at an early stage. - The relationship to other related efforts, where appropriate. Authors of accepted posters may be asked to point out relationships to work represented by other accepted posters. - Where to find additional information. This should include but is not restricted to: ~ a web site where viewers can go to find additional information about the work ~ how to contact the authors, including email addresses ~ citations for any papers, books, or other materials that provide additional information *Demo submissions* must describe the purpose of the demo as well as key ideas that have gone into building the tool or prototype. They can also showcase results that can be verified by the demo. In addition to the electronic submission, demo submissions MUST provide a link to the demo that is available for the period of evaluation. *Fast abstracts* must have a clear picture of the problem being solved or the opinions being stated. They are not required to be as structured as a poster but must argue the thesis concisely and clearly. POSTER LAYOUT GUIDELINES. The presentation guide drawn up by IEEE and ACM for the Student Research Competition contains a lot of very useful information on how to produce a successful poster. In particular: "A picture is worth a thousand words." Guide viewers to the main issues and help them to understand the work quickly in order to attract more attention to your work. Few attendees will stop to read a large poster with dense text. If you use screen shots, please ensure that the shots print legibly and that the fonts are large enough to be read comfortably. SUBMISSION PROCESS. Electronic submission of Poster papers, Demo papers and Fast Abstracts is required through the DEBS submission system: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=debsposters2010 The two-pages paper or fast abstract is to be submitted initially for evaluation and selection. If selected, we would require you to finally submit the camera ready version of the initial version taking into account comments by the program committee. Electronic versions of the poster printout do not need to be submitted through DEBS submission system. ATTENDANCE. At least one of the authors are required to register and attend DEBS 2010 and the scheduled interactive poster/demo session, staying with their poster/demo so that they can discuss their work with conference attendees. Fast abstracts will receive a 5 minute presentation slot during the conference. Authors of demos/posters may post an informal schedule along with their poster/demo, listing times when they plan to be available for discussion later on during the conference. Sign-up sheets allow interested viewers to obtain further information. Posters, Demos & Fast Abstracts are advertised in the Final Program, and authors' two-page papers for posters and demos will appear in the DEBS 2010 Conference Proceedings, which will be distributed at DEBS 2010. Attendees will be able to learn more about individual posters continuously during the whole of the conference. POSTERS AND DEMO PROGRAM COMMITTEE Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech, USA Kai Sachs, University of Darmstadt, Germany Annika Hinze, University of Waikato, New Zealand Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University, USA Madhu Kumar S.D., NIT Calicut, India Hiroshi Dempo, NEC LAbs, Japan Umesh Bellur, IIT Bombay, India More Information. For additional information, clarification, or questions, please contact the DEBS 2010 Posters chair, Umesh Bellur (umesh@cse.iitb.ac.in).