hello all, I am a newbie currently learning ocaml and am particularly interested in the new continuations package. there is announcement here - which include a tarball source patch. (Persistent twice-delimited continuations and CGI programming) http://groups.google.co.uk/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/cac8628ae8ef191d The value of continuations and coroutines are that they make it trivial to map asynchronous operations to synchronous programming models , they have general application in network stacks/ generators and simulation models. (ie the benefit of threads without the locking and context switching cost). My questions are as follows. Is it likely that this package may be incorporated into a later official relase of ocaml (ie receive first class support ) ?. continuations would appear to offer considerable programming expressiveness even if not widely supported in other languages (cf scheme). And a very basic tech question - It is obviously necessary that the package runs as interpreted bytecode - so that the activation record of the function/closure may be saved/serialized off. However, in general is it possible to mix and match ocaml code compiled with the native opt compiler, with compiled bytecode ? Additionally would there be any caveats in trying to do this using this continuations package. Note that i have not yet got to functor/modules in my self-learning where i suspect the general aspect of this question would be explained but am trying to ancipate a bit in advance.