Hi, I'm having some trouble with a lexer+parser I've written to parse IRC strings. Just about all strings are parsed correctly, but I'm having a few minor issues. Here are two strings that fail to parse correctly: :Sovereign.Wyldryde.org 254 dst 112 :holodeck programs running :Sovereign.Wyldryde.org 333 dst #bfos Helio 112025589 My irc_lexer.mll & irc_parser.mly are attached :-) (don't wanna spam the list with huge lines of code) Used in ircii.ml as: let input_line = IO.read_line instream in try match (Irc_parser.args Irc_lexer.message (Lexing.from_string input_line)) with If someone can highlight what's going wrong, I'd really appreciate it (though, it doesn't currently affect any received irc commands of great significance at the moment). BTW: As an aside, if the lexer doesn't cover all the bases, it doesn't throw an exception, just screws up my OS (Bounds check error, followed by seg-fault). Jonathan