Thank you all for the suggestions. Yes, the Smoke Vector Graphics library looks like is extremely professional and good job. Still, I need something easy and small, and I thought more about the "image to texture" suggestion, and I think I found something, which will definitely work good for my purposes. I decide to give it a try by going through latex, which will produce a dvi file, then use "convert" to make it into a suitable format for importing into an OpenGL texture. What do you think? On 10/7/07, Vu Ngoc San wrote: > > Orlin Grigorov a écrit : > > I've been struggling with this one. I'm developing an application, and > > I'm using the gtkgl.area, and drawing some OpenGL renderings with > > lablgl. Please, any suggestions on the best way to display text? > > Anything available already, especially some texture mapped text > > libraries that I can use? > > > > Thank you in advance. Although this is my first post, I'm a very > > frequent reader of this list! > > > > Cheers, > > > > Orlin > > > > > well it is possible to use sdl for this. There are functions for reading > any truetype font file you have into a sdlvideo image. It actually > directly renders any string to an image. Then you have to convert it to > an opengl texture. It is not so difficult. Of course, since you are > actually using gtkgl this may sound a bit circumvoluted, and there is > probably a simpler way to do it. (?) > > San > >