Thank you all for the suggestions.  Yes, the Smoke Vector Graphics library looks like is extremely professional and good job.   Still, I need something easy and small, and I thought more about the "image to texture" suggestion, and I think I found something, which will definitely work good for my purposes.  I decide to give it a try by going through latex, which will produce a dvi file, then use "convert" to make it into a suitable format for importing into an OpenGL texture.  

What do you think?

On 10/7/07, Vu Ngoc San <> wrote:
Orlin Grigorov a écrit :
> I've been struggling with this one.  I'm developing an application, and
> I'm using the gtkgl.area, and drawing some OpenGL renderings with
> lablgl.  Please, any suggestions on the best way to display text?
> Anything available already, especially some texture mapped text
> libraries that I can use?
> Thank you in advance.  Although this is my first post, I'm a very
> frequent reader of this list!
> Cheers,
> Orlin

well it is possible to use sdl for this. There are functions for reading
any truetype font file you have into a sdlvideo image. It actually
directly renders any string to an image. Then you have to convert it to
an opengl texture. It is not so difficult. Of course, since you are
actually using gtkgl this may sound a bit circumvoluted, and there is
probably a simpler way to do it. (?)
