On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Romain Beauxis <toots@rastageeks.org> wrote:
Le Thursday 31 January 2008 16:57:24 Jonathan Bryant, vous avez écrit :


It's a good idea, but it seems a duplicate of the ocamlcore.org on-going
server announced by Sylvain.. 

So rather than creating another instance, it should be better to join efforts
together, don't you think ?

I did not see that message in the midst of that thread.  On the one hand, I don't want to duplicate efforts.  On the other, SourceForge has a host of development resources available, plus builtin user management, etc.  It would be nice to have our own site, but there doesn't seem to be much at all up yet.  I'd be in favor of having something that's working _now_ as opposed to something that's going the be amazing ... in a few months ... whenever we get it up ...

Sylvan, what are your thoughts?  The last thing I want is two "competing" sites...