That's wonderful! An impressive extended core library. Thanks a lot for releasing that. It's like receiving a new toy. Now a few quick comments: - Bigstring: I guess those are more for I/O. The 16MB limit is not a problem on 64-bit arhictectures. - POLL and NODELAY in Linux_ext: that's very welcome. - I guess JS isn't using Unicode. After all, EBCDIC should be good enough for stock tickers. A Unicode library would have been nice - otherwise we should complete the one in ExtLib. - In, I find this worrying comment: The raison d'ĂȘtre for Space_safe_tuple is that OCaml doesn't properly free variables matched in tuple patterns. I didn't expect that, and that's quite annoying! Shouldn't that be fixed in the Ocaml compiler? - I wonder what these are for. Maybe for video games? A very nice contribution to a "batteries included" standard library, indeed. -- Berke Durak