Hi Chet, Have you looked into the logging modules from Lwt? While they work best for those who already use Lwt, and they definitely have their shortcoming, on the plus side the log statements are very concise, you can set the log level and add logging rules at runtime, and it has file and syslog logging out of the box. On 01/10/2017 01:52 AM, Chet Murthy wrote: > All, > > I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I've been > writing a nontrivial distributed system (well, a number of them over > the last few years) and have had need of a robust and flexible logging > framework. Specifically, I've been using "bolt" and its descendant, > "volt", which provide camlp4 syntax extensions. These extensions make > the syntax of the logging statements significantly less verbose, and > that in itself ia a valuable thing. > > With the arrival of ppx rewriters, I realize that the camlp4/camlp5 > method of adding syntax to ocaml is deprecated. So I wonder: is there > some really good logging toolkit out there, that I've overlooked. > > I'm aware of a number of different packages, but only bolt/volt have > syntax extensions, and it's my belief that they're essential to making > effortless pervasive log-line instrumentation. > > But perhaps I just haven't looked hard enough .... So .... before I > go write my own, I figured I'd ask the list if there were such a > thing. > > For concreteness, the basic thing I'm looking for, is a syntax > extension that somewhat resembles > > LOG "%s" appid LEVEL DEBUG ; > > which expands out to code something like > > begin > if log_enabled DEBUG then > log (Printf.sprintf "%s" appid) > end > > I hate writing "slight variations on somebody else's good idea", so > would much prefer to "improve" somebody else's library/tool, than come > up with my own. > > Thanks in advance, > --chet-- > > -- #!/usr/bin/env perl @a=split(//, "daniil @ baturin . org" );# Daniil Baturin @b=split(//,q/Px%!+o0Q6lh*7dp$.@8#%|y{/);while($i<24){$_.= chr((ord(@b[$i])-ord(@a[$i])+62)%94+32);$i++};print"$_\n"#