Dear all freinds, When I compile a .ml file with ocamlopt compiler, an error message is shown with this message:"Der Befehl "as" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder konnte nicht gefunden werden, Assembler error, input left in file C:\DOKUME~1\karinu\LOKALE~1\Temp\camlasm9312 7a.s". Part of this message is in german and translation of it in english is : "The instruction "as" is either wrongly written or could not not be found". But when I compile a .mli file, this message is not shown and file is compiled successfully. Also when I compile a .ml file with ocamlc compiler, there is no error and compilation is done successfully. So there is not error in my program and this error maybe is related to ocamlopt compiler. Is there any body who can help me? It is very emergent. Thanks, Karimi.