I'm trying to use an OCaml program to form an umambiguous protocol specification.  I've convinced myself that by proper definition of my types, and avoiding using the _ in matches, I can get OCaml to help me verify that I have a complete specification.  I'm doing this by defining a function that specifies the behavior of one of the protocol partners when it receives a message.  Here is an example of what I have.

let requestOp = REQUEST_KEY | SUCCESS;;

let message = None | Register of requestOp * int;;

let receive idList msg =
  match message with
     None -> None

|    Register( REQUEST_KEY, id ) -> begin
         match idList with
             [] -> Register(SUCCESS, id)
         |   l when (List.mem id l) -> Register(Success, (next_available_id l))
         |  _ -> Register(Success, id)

The problem is with the final pattern in the inner match expression.  I'm really trying to avoid using _ in patterns so that I'm forced to specify an action for each possible case (hence the reason I'm trying to use OCaml here).    It appears that since I'm using a guard here that OCaml can't, at compile time, determine whether or not I'm being exhaustive.

Is there a way to accomplish the same thing as above without using guards so that OCaml will be able to determine that my match is exhaustive?