I'm sorry to say that, but I believe that you results are flawed... If we look at the code of to_array_1 and to_array_5, there is no possibility that the former was faster... if nothing else, it has an additional if jump each and every loop. I simply couldn't believe your results. Upon inspecting your code with Toploop, I found out some flaws... let h () = let h = Hashtbl.create 100000 in for i = 0 to 99999 do (* <<< not Hashtbl.length h, as it returns 0 for ampty hashtable *) Hashtbl.add h (Random.int max_int) (Random.int max_int); done; h let to_array_1 t = let dummy = Array.init 0 (fun _ -> raise Not_found) in fst (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v (a, i) -> if i = 0 then let a = Array.make (Hashtbl.length t) (k, v) in (a, 1) (* <<<<< Not 0, as it causes no progress *) else (a.(i) <- (k, v); (a, i + 1))) t (dummy, 0)) I also corrected my implementation: let mgc = Obj.magic 0 <<< So that the function is executed only once. let to_array_5 t = let a = Array.make (Hashtbl.length t) mgc in ignore (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v i -> a.(i) <- (k, v); i + 1) t 0) ; a I tried to do some benchmarking, but I do not have much time... anyhow, my implementation is faster as far as I tested it. Believe in your dreams!