On 09/03/07, skaller <skaller@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
Pattern matches in Ocaml now allow alternatives within
a branch subject to a restriction that all alternatives
supply the same set of pattern variables (and of the same type).

This is useful but still quite restrictive, for example:

| A (i,j) | B i with j = 1 -> i + j

 I think this is a good idea.

This form looks more general:

| in A (h,k) let i = h and k = k
| in B s let i = s + 1 let k = i

But I find this too complicated (for a programmer to memorize the syntax, write it and someone else read it). You could simply say:

  | A (h as i, k as k)
  | B s with i = s + 1 and k = i

I know that this would introduce some problems (not equal variable in both branches, but this could easily be solved (the compiler only complaining when a non-common variable is actually used (in this example, h and s)).

- Tom