On 29/05/05, Pierre-Etienne Meunier wrote: > > > I'd like to include Caml code in a LaTeX file, but since it is pretty > big, I want it to be easily readable. Then I want to keep the colored > syntax, like in tuareg for emacs. Do you know how to do it ? > Best regards, > Pierre-Etienne Meunier (meunier.pe@free.fr) You might consider using the listings package for latex. http://www.atscire.de/index.php?nav=products/listings I have not used it for OCaml code, but I think you can use \lstset{language=[objective]Caml} or something like that. It supports small code snippets, larger snippets and separate files. You can customise it to set the colours of keywords, symbols, etc. \lstset{keywordstyle=\color{blue}, stringstyle=\color{green}} It's all documented in the pdf inside the zip. If it doesn't support of the current ocaml syntax, it's fairly easy to tweak it.