Does anyone have a working example of mkcamlp4  in use for ocaml 3.10.2?  I am having the following problem in attempting to turn 3.10 pa_bounds ( into a standalone preprocessor.

ais@ubuntu:pa_bounds$ make exe
mkcamlp4 pa_bounds.cmo -o myp4
/opt/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/extract_crc -I /opt/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/camlp4 -I . > /tmp/
ocamlc -I /opt/godi/lib/ocaml/std-lib/camlp4 Camlp4.cma /tmp/ -I . pa_bounds.cmo -o myp4 Camlp4Bin.cmo -linkall
Cannot find file Camlp4.cma
rm -f /tmp/ /tmp/crc_4f3f26.cmi /tmp/crc_4f3f26.cmo
Fatal error: exception Failure("Exit: 2")
make: *** [exe] Error 2

A search with "find" shows there is no Camlp4.cma in any subdirectory of the ocaml installation, though there is a Camlp4.cmi.  Note that I did not put the Camlp4.cma on the command line; this decision is made by mkcamlp4.

This error occurs both with GODI-installed OCaml in addition to standalone.



Andrew I. Schein
