On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Edgar Friendly <thelema314@gmail.com> wrote:
8) Other (please explain)

Please take this with the caveat that I have little experience with Batteries, but my impression (from following batteries-devel) is that it changes OCaml significantly with Camlp4 extensions, and that it is not possible to use Batteries without the language changes. If I am wrong on these points I would be glad to know it.

I think it is important for adoption of any new thing to give people a low-cost way to get started, and an incremental path towards using it fully and depending upon it. My impression is that with Batteries you must take or leave the whole thing.

A full-featured de facto standard library for OCaml is a great idea, but it must be a *library*; you must be able to use only the parts you want to use.
