I have a situation in which I have two kinds of trees. The simplified example is linked lists: type foo = [`Nil | `Tree of foo] type bar = [`Nil | `Leaf of int | `Tree of bar] I have a tree with only shape, and a tree with some information. I want to be able to distinguish between these. Here I have functions to assert types, but these annotations will be part of the signatures of functions actually doing things in the real code. But I do want to have these static checks on contests. let f x : foo = x let g x : bar = x let a = `Tree (`Nil) let b = `Tree (a) let c = `Tree (f a) let d = `Tree (`Leaf 1) As is proper, I can run f on a, b, and c, but not on d. D is not a valid foo. But I cannot run g on c. This makes sense, as I have said 'a tree of bars contains a bars.' But I want to somehow note that a tree of bars MIGHT contain foo's. Is there any way to annotate this? I cannot say type bar = [`Nil | `Leaf of int | `Tree of [bar | foo]] as bar is not fully defined. I cannot say type bar = [`Leaf of int | `Tree of bar | foo] because tree cannot have two separate types. The current, icky, non-variant type solution has the equivalent of type 'a foo = Nil | Tree of foo | F of 'a With special things filling in for 'a. But I end up putting EVERYTHING in 'a because I don't have a way to statically guaranteeing that my "leaf foo"'s are valid "leaf or branch foo's". So I have a weaker system than I want. Any suggestions? Seems like variant types should work here. I COULD add type annotations to functions, check them, and then remove the annotations so that my types are never constrained. I think that might even work. But it seems rather icky. -- Seth Fogarty sfogarty@[gmail.com|rice.edu|livejournal] Neep-neep at large AIM: Sorrath "I know there are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings - and I hate people like that" --Tom Lehrer.