Hello, demexp 0.8 is out! demexp is an electronic voting system for wide scale direct democracy. demexp is developed mainly to support the democractic experience project (http://www.demexp.org), but can be used in other contexts (communities, firms, ...). Briefly, demexp allows to ask questions ("votes"), to submit answers to those questions ("candidate answers"), and to vote on the submitted answers to elect a winning answer (using Condorcet voting system). demexp is implemented as a centralized server and a GTK2 graphical client (a Drupal web client will be available soon). A classification system allows to navigate through questions. * What's new in 0.8? - New configuration file that supports version upgrading; - Support for client internationalization; - Translations of the (English) client in French and Esperanto; - Experimental web client in OCaml (using WDialog); - Improvement of the Windows installer; - simplification of the client's interface; - tooltips on column titles; - various bug fixes on the client and the server. * How can I try it? The most recent version of the sources (in OCaml) are here: http://www.linux-france.org/~dmentre/demexp/latest-src/ Main code is under GNU General Public License (GPL). It relies on external libraries and code of which licenses are GPL compatible (see source code for details). Once compiled use it to connect to the demonstration server: $ demexp-gtk2-client demexp://demo.demexp.org:50000 Packages are also available for various Linux distributions (althought most of them are not 0.8-ready yet). Have a loot at: http://www.demexp.org/fr/doku.php?id=telechargement_du_logiciel_demexp * Other links Development: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/demexp demexp software wiki: http://www.demexp.org/en/ Democratic experience political project: http://www.demexp.org Have fun! David MENTRE -- demexp lead developer Félix HENRY -- demexp participant