It might be better to produce a svg and then display the svg trough cairo. I don't know if there are bindings available in OCaml to do that (mainly for librsvg). 2009/12/1 Eric Cooper > On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 02:09:27AM +0000, Ewen Maclean wrote: > > I am generating pdf images from latex source, and I would like to > > show them on screen in part of a pane in lablgtk2. Is it possible to > > do this using a GImage widget or something similar? > > I think you will have to render the PDF first into a simple image > format like PPM, and then use GTK to display that. I don't know of > any OCaml bindings for libpoppler, but you can use the standalone > program "pdftoppm" from the poppler-utils package. Then you can > display the .ppm file as follows: > > let file = Sys.argv.(1) in > GMain.init (); > let window = GWindow.window ~title: "Show Image" () in > let image = GMisc.image ~file ~packing: window#add () in > window#connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.quit; > window#show (); > GMain.main () > > _______________________________________________ > Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management: > > Archives: > Beginner's list: > Bug reports: >