Hi all, I've been working to get wxCaml to compile and run using the Microsoft tools. This seems only to require some small changes to the Makefile, and I attach a (rather messy) modified version. The user will need to change PWD (wxCaml build directory) OCAMLDIR (Ocaml installation directory) WXWINDOWS (wxWidgets installation directory) WXHASKELL (wxHaskell build directory) VCLIBDIR (Visual Studio library directory) to reflect the appropriate values for their build environment. I have added support for both bytecode and native code versions of the wxcaml library. Both version compile and run the test application, but both generate a memory leak indication on exit. I will look into this when time allows. I can confirm that the wxcaml tarball worked successfully with up to date versions of wxWidgets and wxHaskell - wxWidgets 2.6.2 and wxHaskell 0.9.4 in this case. There appears to be no license file with the wxCaml tarball. I have licensed the Makefile attached under the wxWindows library license, as it seems most appropriate (wxWindows and wxHaskell, the main components use this license). However, I will be happy to change to any recognised Open Source license if SooHyoung Oh, the wxCaml author, requests - this contributon is trivial. I would prefer that there is some clarity in the licensing of wxCaml in any case - it is really impossible to do anything more than play with it until this is done. Regards Jeremy