I submitted a bug report.

On Jan 25, 2008 5:47 AM, Loup Vaillant <loup.vaillant@gmail.com> wrote:
2008/1/25, Oliver Bandel <oliver@first.in-berlin.de>:
> Zitat von Ashish Agarwal <agarwal1975@gmail.com>:
> > I was hoping there would be some follow up discussion on the code
> > below, but
> > haven't seen anything yet.
> [...]
> [...]
> It behaves like if s would be defined on top of the
> module, but it is  local constructed in the function f.
> Look sstrange... I have the same behaviour here (Debians
> OCaml here is 3.09.2, and I have tried with toplevel, bytecode
> and naticecode).

Ouch: this is the same as in C: the attempt to modify a statically
defined string makes bad things happen. One should try this on Open
BSD: it may even crash, if the the data segment is protected from
write. Replacing "abc" by String.copy "abc" works around this, though:

# let f () = let s = String.copy "bla" in let c = s.[0] in s.[0] <- 'c' ; c ;;
val f : unit -> char = <fun>
# f();;
- : char = 'b'
# f();;
- : char = 'b'

Pure again :-)


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