I am having trouble installing JaneStreet's Core library through godi.

On Mac OS X, it fails while installing the prerequisite bin-prot:

> ocamlfind ocamlc -package type-conv -c -pp "cpp $ARCH_FLAGS " -I +camlp4 type_class.mli
> File "type_class.mli", line 93, characters 15-16:
> Syntax error

Line 93 of type_class.mli is:

On a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system, bin-prot successfully installs. However, janestreet-core fails:

> ocamlfind ocamlc -package res,sexplib,bin_prot,threads -c -thread -dtypes -for-pack Core -dtypes -I +camlp4 -I . binable.ml
> File "binable.ml", line 12, characters 21-47:
> Unbound type constructor Map_to_safe.sw_arg

Line 12 of binable.ml is
val bin_sw_arg_t : binable Map_to_safe.sw_arg